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Does your roof look like this? Before you spend $$$$ on a new one, read this -

Fair warning! This material isn't very interesting to most people. We tried our hardest to simplify. 

Do you have ugly black roof stains running down your roof? Don't worry (just yet), it's not your roof's final days as most roofing contractors would lead you to believe (they would love to sell you a new roof).  Those black streaks running down your roof is an algea called gloeocapsa magma. It starts as a spore floating around in the air, and when it lands on your roof, it grows. This growth occurs because the algea has now found a food source and will appear as dark black streaks. These streaks are also the perfect environment for lichen growth as well. Now that you know its not your roof at the end of it's life, let me briefly explain why you need to clean it off. 




Gloeocapsa magma's food source is limestone, and today's all fibeglass asphalt shingles use limestone filler. Up until the mid 1980's, shingles were organic based and were made with a cotton textile, which absorbed 40% more aphalt. This composition made it heavier than today's shingle comprised of fiberglass. In order to add weight, limestone was added to shingles to assist in preventing wind damage. For the roofing manufacturers, this was a great addition, because limestone is cheap and it reflects UV rays to reduce heat on the shingle.


It's HOT!


20, 25, 30 year shingle? Since time machines don't yet exist, there is no solid way of knowing for sure how long a shingle will last. The way manufacturers cast warranties is through forms of accelerated testing. What these test don't take into account is lichen growth and algea dark in color, which encapsulates the limestone allowing all the suns rays to be abosbed into the shingle.  We already know shingles are made with aspalt, which is petroleum based. Heat breaks down petroleum leading to premature failure of your roof! If left untreated, a 30 year shingle now becomes a 15 to 20 year shingle. Spending a small fraction [versus cost to replace a roof] in preventitve maintenance will literally save you thousands down the road.


It's HOT.... Part II?


With hot shingles comes a hot roof, and when the roof is hot, your attic is also hot.  Some studies have shown that an attic temperature can be as much as 60 degrees hotter with 100% gleoecapsa magma coverage.  We can all identify with the intense heat we experience during the occasional storage visit. What does this mean for you? Wasted energy! If your house is like many in eastern North Carolina you probably have a bonus room or finished room over garage. They're a great use of space for a kids playroom, movie theater, or a man cave, but limited space between the roof and room does decrease energy efficiency.   A clean roof can assist you by saving you money on the cost associated with cooling your house. 

It's UGLY!


Let's be honest, It does look terrible! As a homeowner, we all want to have pride in our investments, and if you are trying to sell your home, a potential buyer may be turned off by the unsightly roof stains. A clean roof can help to give your house a clean look that is aesthetically pleasing to buyers. Because first impressions are lasting impressions, this small attention to detail may keep you from having to reduce the price, and it could save you from paying extra mortgage payments. 


So the question isn't "should I clean my roof?" It's can you afford to not have it cleaned?


How to choose a roof cleaner.

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